Bringing the world of coffee to Tshwane!

Tuesday, 3 December, 2019

Local Pretoria coffee shop, CupoCafe has undertaken to bring coffee from farm to cup to the city! If you're looking to learn more about the process of getting the coffee you drink every day in your cup, then go visit the Le Roux family this December!

"This December we are caffeinating our CHRISTMAS

Come on over for a full farm to cup coffee experience right here at CUPOCAFE.

With and exhibition explaining the process of coffee farming from coffee trees to the drying bay and roasting process of coffee.

This is an interactive experience for young and old.
Want to learn more about coffee and how it is made?
- then this is for you

Learn to make a cappuccino like our baristas behind the bar
or learn how to brew in the comfort of your own home with home brewing methods of all kinds.

Step into OUR WORLD OF COFFEE with plenty of Christmas gift ideas to choose from."

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