Review: Brewista Smart Ratio Scale

Thursday, 19 July, 2018

The Brewista Smart ratio scale is exactly that - a smart scale that works on your coffee to water weight ratio and makes it super easy to calculate and time your dosages. 

When it comes to pourovers - home and cafe environments - the difficulty comes in trying to either manually calculate water to grounds targets, and then pacing the amount of water to pour.  The scale automatically calculates the water needed based on the amount of coffee grounds used and chosen ratio.

Dual timing bars display the actual and desired pour rates. Matching the timing bars achieves the recommended 2½ minute pour time.

The Ratio Scale makes a perfect training tool for baristas and coffee lovers alike that want to get their pour over coffee dialed in. It features automatic and fully manual modes, and the water to grounds ratios are adjustable. The Ratio Scale takes care of the math so you can take care of the customers!

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