Special AeroPress Coffee Club Review: Simple Bru!

Friday, 7 July, 2023

Simple bru - brew it simply!

It winter in Durban, which is the best time of the year here - especially if you love the ocean! The sea is warm, the offshore land breezes make the waves smooth and glassy, the sardine run brings a hive of marine life to the inshore areas and the warm sunshine on your face as you walk on the beach is one of the most pleasant sensations in life (up there with the smell of fresh ground coffee!) 

And so this week, we thought it was fitting to honour our brothers from Simple Bru Coffee, and their incredible coffee from Colombia, the Castillo Washed from Finca La Julia - one of the 6 best aeropress coffees in SA, as voted for by us!  The Simple Bru team are based in Melkbos, a stone's throw from the ocean and are heavily invested in the ocean lifestyle - plus, they have the raddest graphics and illustrations in their Roastery, their two stores and on their packaging. 

The guys from Simple Bru are excited about this coffee:  "This lot exhibits the classic and excitingly bright characteristics of a washed processed coffee. Once the cherries are hand-picked, floated, and sorted, the whole cherries are placed in a tank with a controlled temp of 18-20’C where they undergo aerobic fermentation for 24 hours after which they are de-pulped and put through another 66 hours of fermentation aerobically. The results in an Aeropress are spectacularly bright but complimented with a deep creamy texture. Notes or caramel, cocoa and green tea."

We used their recommended recipe (below) and that green tea note and the caramel sweetness came through bright and upfront!  What a great brew, bru!

The recipe:

RECIPE NAME:             The by-pass

METHOD:                     Inverted

GRIND:                        Med / Fine

COFFEE:                     24g

WATER:                       95’C

VOLUME:                     150ml hot/ 100ml hot

ROAST:                        Expressive


Using two paper filters boil water and grind coffee to a medium - fine coarseness. Assemble and invert the brewer. Add coffee. Add 150ml boiling water. Stir for ten seconds. Pour 100ml by-pass water into a separate server. Add cap. Press out air. At 01:30 flip over and press over server for thirty seconds. Stop at hiss. Total brewing time should range to two minutes. Add the 100ml by-pass water to the brew. By-pass water for more clarity and sweetness. Serve and begin smiling.

This newly minted hammerhead at Brighton beach is by Giffy, bluff stalwart Ricky "Bobby" Basnett and Rebel Rose.

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