SA AeroPress Challenge: Semi-finalists Announced!

Monday, 17 July, 2023

On Friday 14th July at Origin Coffee Roasting, things got a little bit AeroPress crazy!

Each competitor had received their special delivery of Humble Coffee (thanks, Amy!)BWT water+more Water (Thanks, Gary!) and goodies. They had just under a week to play and come up with their recipe to submit to the surrogate baristas who bravely brewed 33 very specific recipes!

Would you like to try this coffee? You can order direct from Humble or you can try our Discover Great Coffee Box that has 6 of the roasters that put their coffees forward for the SA AeroPress Challenge, it comes with 6 AeroPress recipes from each of the roasters!

Don't have an AeroPress in your coffee equipment collection yet?! You can rectify that with MoreFlavour immediately.

Surrogate Baristas from left to right: Nicole (Quaffee),  Josh (Origin), Waqaar (coffee legend)

The esteemed judges (Dave Coleman (MoreFlavour), Warren Machanik (Quaffee) and Hayley Arendse (Origin Coffee Roasting)) swirled, sipped, debated, and eventually narrowed down the SA AeroPress Challenge Field to nine semi-finalists who go into the running to win R10 000!

Feedback from the judges was that the coffee really shined using this method and they were extremely impressed by the high standard of the recipes! It was a delicious day out!

Big thanks to Zane on grinding (very important!) and Chantel who did all the running around (so much coffee brewed!). If the photos are blurry, we blame the amount of caffeine consumed!

You can join us and all the Sponsors and competitors at Creative Coffee Week from 4pm on Thursday 27 July. It is open to the public and we will be having some fun! There will be some spot prizes for spectators too, so don't miss out!

Thank you to our incredible sponsors who have made this event possible.

Thank you so much to all of the amazing humans who put their hands up for this fun competition! So with out further ado in no particular order, your SA AeroPress Challenge semi-finalists are:

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