10 ideas about coffee to live by - a Manifesto for coffee!

Thursday, 26 November, 2020

Susan Abulahwa is a writer, activist and founder of Playgrounds for Palestine. She wrote a really cool "Manifesto for Living” which you can find here: https://wepresent.wetransfer.com/story/manifesto-susan-abulhawa-playgrounds-for-palestine/

We were really inspired by this, and so we thought we should come up with our own “Manifesto for Coffee!”  based more or less on Susan’s original :)

1. Words - Tell the truth and speak truth to the coffee you are drinking, especially when it is inconvenient.

2. Beans or Ground  - Ground coffee quickly loses flavour. Always side with beans (if you can!)

3. Farmers - Coffee Farmers are the lifeblood of our coffee. Always try to support them as directly as you can.

4. Friends - Friends don’t let friends drink bad coffee!

5. Nature - Spend time in nature as often as you can and know that coffee is an organic product of the earth. Love her always.

6. Baristas - Baristas work to please you, to serve you, to make your day better through the coffee they serve you. Love them back and tip them well.  

7. Work - We use coffee to help us work. Every day. Take a minute to sip, savour and celebrate where it has come and how much it helps us.

8. Purpose - A good grinder will give you purpose in your coffee life. Invest in one. Do it right now.

9. Water - Water,  in coffee and in everything else, is life. Respect your water like you respect the very air you breathe, because it is that important.

10. Share - Share your passion and your knowledge for coffee with everyone you meet and help us to grow this wonderful culture.

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