Barista Wage Calculator
The sensitive topic of wages, salaries, experience and value to a coffee shop, café or roastery is ongoing on social media and wherever baristas and coffee professionals gather. Business owners, employers and staff need to have some kind of tool to establish, not only what an employee in their coffee business should earn based on their qualifications and experience, but also what is a liveable wage based on the employees actual circumstances.

This is the first survey in building the BWC tool with Open Data Durban and the support of Ciro Coffee Academy, Open Cities Lab, SCASA and Coffee Magazine. The information gathered in this questionnaire is confidential and anonymous. Please be as honest as possible. Barista is defined here as an individual that makes coffees in their establishment.
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Which province do you work in?
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Do you have permanent employment? *
What is your Job Description?
What are your duties and responsibilities? You may choose more than one:
Do you have any qualifications? You may tick more than one
Do you have an employment contract? *
How are your wages paid? *
How many hours do you work per week?
40hrs is a normal working week.
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Do you work overtime?
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How much do you earn per month? *
Amount in Rands as per your contract. We are looking for the Net amount that appears in your bank account.
How much do you earn from overtime in an average month?
On average, how much do you earn in tips per day?
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Do you receive any other benefits from your employer?
A benefit is something that is not part of your salary but helps or improves your life.
Does your salary increase every year?
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Do you ever receive a bonus? If Yes, how much compared to a months pay?
An example could be a Christmas bonus or a performance bonus.
How long have you been a barista?
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