What can you do to save water when it comes to coffee?

Friday, 26 January, 2018

All jokes and light-heartedness aside, water really is the most essential element of life and we can all play a part in using it more responsibly. In your daily coffee rituals you can make small changes to save water.

  • The biggest waste of water generally comes in when washing the coffee equipment. With a plunger there are lots of grounds. Try scooping the grounds into your garden or on to your compost heap instead of rinsing coffee down the drain. 
  • When you use hot water to pre-heat your cups, don't pour that water down the drain, pour it back into your kettle, or into your machine reservoir once it's cooled.
  • Drink more espresso!
  • Pour overs and aeropress methods use the least amount of water for washing up, since you can literally just take out the filter paper or pop out the spent puck.
  • If there's left over coffee in your caraffe put it in the fridge and use it for iced coffee or cold coffee for the heat of the day.
  • Be very conscious of the running time when flushing the group head. A very quick on and off will suffice to move old coffee through the screen.
  • Empty your drip tray into your hanging plants and pot plants around the kitchen, house or office. They won't mind some coffee particles in their water!

10 tips to save like a local from www.capetown.travel

- Choose to stay in accommodation that has water-saving measures in place. Ask about this when you book.
- Re-use your towels instead of asking for a new one daily.
- Try to flush the toilet as little as possible. Each flush uses between 6 and 14 litres, depending on the kind of toilet.
- Use a cup to rinse your mouth when you brush your teeth rather than letting the taps run.
- Limit your showers to 2 minutes, and avoid bathing. Coffee Mag Tip: Place a bucket in the shower with you to collect excess water, this grey water can be used for washing laundry or for the toilet.
- Report leaking taps and toilets as soon as you notice them.
- Avoid washing clothes until you have a full load’s worth of laundry.
- Take a dip in the ocean instead of swimming pools, and maybe even spare yourself a shower.
- If possible, use a dishwasher to clean dishes, but just make sure you only run it when it is full (average dishwasher uses 31 litres of water per run).
- Use this nifty calculator to make sure you’re helping to save water.

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