Bio-Bean - Imagine turning your used coffee grounds into bio-fuel! It's happening in the UK. Is there a South African entrepreneur bold enough to do this here?

Friday, 14 October, 2016
This kind of video excites us at Coffee Magazine!  We know that we're in a growing industry in SA, with more and more coffee shops and roasteries opening all the time. And we know that in a global context, clean, green energy is the only way forward.  This UK based company, made up of a few crazy scientists, an ex-architect and some entrepreneurial firebrands, fuelled on coffee, have created an incredible business. 

Watch this video... then we're calling for people like you, to contact us if you know ANYONE in the clean-energy business that we, the SA Coffee Community,  can partner with to start the conversation of doing this in SA. Mail us here

bio-bean - Powered By Coffee from bio-bean Ltd. on Vimeo.

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